Friday, April 28, 2006

May Crowning of Our MTA

Queen of Vocations for the New Holy Springtime!

May 13, 2006: Cloudy and rainy outside – sunny inside (in the pole barn!). Approximately eighty people gathered on the grounds of “Schoenstatt North” in Isanti, MN to share in a day of fun and festivities to crown the Blessed Mother as Queen of Vocations for the New Holy Springtime. As can be surmised from this title, praying for vocations was the focus of the day. The youth and young-at-heart- adults engaged in competitive games of volleyball in between rain showers,

while the others visited and roamed the acreage. After a picnic lunch we congregated in the pole barn. Between mysteries of the rosary, Sr. M. Jennifer serenaded the Blessed Mother with meditations on the joyful mysteries; and then – led by Father Kasel – we all offered special prayers of petition for holy families, the foundation of holy vocations. Amidst the song of Marian hymns, the children processed behind the image of the MTA. After she was crowned, each child presented the Queen with flowers. To end the day, the sun peeked from behind the clouds; it seemed as if this were a sign that the Queen accepted our prayers. We are sure that she smiled on her Schoenstatt Family that day!